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1. Defender of the Constitution

After graduating from Law School, I took an oath as a new member of the Utah Bar. This is what I promised:


“I do solemnly swear that I will support, obey, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Utah, that I will discharge the duties of attorney and counselor at law as an officer of the courts, with honesty, fidelity, professionalism, and civility.”


That commitment to the Constitution has not changed. And I still believe in following those high standards of conduct in my profession and in my personal life.

2. Supporter of a Strong Defense

I have worked as a corporate attorney for thirty years, focused on the Aerospace & Defense industry. My specific area of expertise is in the aviation aftermarket, currently work with legacy aircraft platforms like the C-130 and the F-16. I believe in building and maintaining a strong national and local defense.

3. Champion of Capitalism

I am a firm believer in the capitalist system. Let’s be clear: capitalism is not just a free-market system, it is private ownership of the means of production. That’s the magic … and what has made our country great. Our economic might has propelled the United States of America to the front of the world stage. And that’s where we need to stay. I work with several Utah County start-up companies as an investor, advisor, and champion—helping them navigate regulatory challenges and change the world for good.

4. Outdoor Enthusiast

I grew up in the mountains of Utah and love all types of outdoor recreation.  But snow skiing is my favorite. In college, I was a member of the BYU Ski Team and also worked as a ski instructor at Sundance Ski Resort. I am committed to helping local government maintain the beauty of our incredible state.

5. Living Family Values

I have been married to my wife Angie for 34 amazing years. Angie grew up in American Fork and we have raised our family in northern Utah County. We have four children who all attended American Fork High School and then BYU, with the youngest still working toward her degree at BYU. We are dedicated to maintaining traditional family values and respect for human life.

You might ask, why run for office now? Personally, this is a good time for me to get more involved in shaping the future of our state. Here’s my motivation:


  • Preserving our Republican values

  • Maintaining a favorable business environment

  • Solving the current state constitutional questions

  • Increasing civility in public discourse

I look forward to connecting with each of you during this special election. Together we can make a difference. Thank you.

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